If you are looking to add some healthy supplements to your diet, look no further. Spirulina is loaded with vitamins, nutrients and, with 9 essential amino acids, is a complete protein. Adding a rich deep green colour to your food, it is a useful addition to your daily routine and you will quickly enjoy its benefits.
The blue-green algae dates back from the very beginning of life on earth. The Aztecs used it as their primary source of protein, collecting what they called “techuitlatl” from the lagoons and making a blue-green cake from it. “Also known as dihé, spirulina was rediscovered in Chad and is now widely cultured throughout the world. In many countries of Africa, it is still used as human food as a major source of protein and is collected from natural water, dried and eaten.“
An immune system booster, spirulina is also praised for its beneficial effects on digestion. It has also been linked to lower cholesterol, diabetes, fatigue etc… but more research still need to be done to fully ascertain those claims.
Today you can find spirulina is most health shops either as a powder, tablets, gel caps or crystal flakes. Personally I add the powder to my morning juice or smoothie whenever I feel the need to recharge. I also like it in energy bites if my day needs an extra boost.
They are plenty more ways to enjoy this superfood and below you will find a few recipes that have caught my attention:
- Blue-Green Spirulina Milk via Nutrition Stripped
- Spirulina Avocado Salad Dressing by Choosing Raw
- Blue Morning Smoothie Bowl by Nutrition Stripped
- Raw Hemp Algae Bars by Grok Grub
- Spirulina Sesame Bar by One Green Planet
- Spirulina Guacamole Dip via Oprah
- Baby Kale, Roasted Beetroot, Brussels and Spirulina Salad by Nature’s Way
For more information you can also visit nuts.com who have kindly shared the infographics below.
Adding spirulina to Guacamole is strange but interesting 🙂 I add it to banana shake. I also topped my shake with linseed. It’s tasty and healthy 😀