On September 23rd, world leaders, from government, finance, business, and civil society will meet in New York for the UN Climate Summit. The agenda: galvanising and catalysing climate actions to reduce emissions and strengthen climate resilience. If, like me, these big action plans leave you feeling a bit useless, The Meat Free Monday Climate Pledge is your chance to take part.
Meat production contributes to global warming by generating high emissions (Green House Gases and CO2). The growing world population and its appetite for meat put an unsustainable strain on our planet.
Launched yesterday at tibits London, The Meat Free Monday Climate Pledge encourages you to go meat free for one day a week and share the idea with others. Greg Barker, Energy and Climate Advisor to UK Prime Minister David Cameron, will then present the final results of the campaign at the UN Summit in New York.
Greg Barker, who has personally supported Meat Free Monday since the start of the year said: “Giving up meat one day a week is more than just a symbolic act and, if enough of us do it, will send a very powerful and loud message to world leaders. Meat production is an increasingly large contributor to dangerous climate change so coming together like this may have a small but very real impact.”
Paul McCartney added: “Going meat free one day a week is a simple way to contribute to a more sustainable future. Please pledge your support at pledge.meatfreemondays.com and encourage world leaders to back this in order to help fight climate change.”
In 2009, Paul, Mary and Stella McCartney launched Meat Free Monday movement now embraced around the world by chefs, schools, businesses, politicians and communities in 36 countries.
Going meat free once a week is an easy step we can ALL take to cut global emissions. A plant-based diet has also been shown to have positive effects on weight, heart and overall health.
Sid Lerner, founder of Meatless Monday in the States, welcomes the launch of the Meat Free Monday pledge drive during a time when world attention will be focused on the threat of climate change: “Meatless Monday, and the many home-grown variations in 22 languages around the world, are shining examples of grassroots, citizen-led campaigns that collectively are making an enormous impact by encouraging simple changes to our diet.”
To get involved, visit pledge.meatfreemondays.com (before September 23rd), pledge to go meat free for one day a week and share the idea with others. #MFMclimatepledge
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