Each year as we come to celebrate #OrganicSeptember I reiterate my commitment to buying organic. I believe it is not only the best choice for my family’s health but also the best for the environment and animal welfare. Starting The Flexitarian has been life-changing. Food has an important place in my heart and sharing a meal with my family and friends is one of the simple things that truly brings me happiness.
As simple as it might sound, I am one of those people who thinks a good meal can help solve any problems. Cooking relaxes me and I also truly enjoy getting busy in the kitchen and feeding crowds of people. Good food and good company are among my greatest pleasures in life.
Like many other families we have a hectic schedule. Still we make every effort to have dinner together. This is a very special time where the four of us talk, catch up about our days without the distraction of phone, TV or iPad. At the weekend we’ll share a meal with friends or family, taking the time to enjoy each other’s company.
Nothing fills me more with joy than seeing the kids relishing homemade food and digging in with a healthy appetite. As a mum, I pay a particular attention to making sure we have a healthy and balanced diet. I prefer to avoid processed food and cook most our meals from scratch. I am happy knowing that, whenever possible, most of the meals we eat at home are made with organic ingredients.
Why I Prefer Organic
Since having a family, I have become increasingly concerned about the impacts of modern farming on our health, the environment and animal welfare. Conventional farming uses a lot of chemicals to spray crops. Pesticides, insecticides and fertilisers find their way on our plates. Non-organic products also often contain preservatives and colourings which can be detrimental to health, especially for young children. There is also the growing concern of superbug resistance linked to the use of antibiotics given to animals in intensive farms. Whichever way you look at it, we are what we eat, so I always feel happier using organic products.
The close relationship between our health, the environment and animal welfare is a delicate balance and each one is directly connected to the other. The wonderful thing about eating organic food is that it is not only best for our health but also best for the planet, ensuring a more sustainable future for generations to come. Organic agriculture also keeps the soil healthy and preserves biodiversity, which is paramount to keeping the ecosystem healthy.
We are now a flexitarian family having mostly a vegetarian diet with the occasional addition of meat. “Less meat, better meat” has become our motto. Whenever we eat meat, I always look out for the organic certification. It guarantees that the animals have been raised in good welfare conditions with access to the outdoors and non GM feed. I also look out for an organic seal of approval, such as the one of the Soil Association, on milk and eggs.
Any cook or chef will tell you that, however talented you are, it is hard to make a good meal without good ingredients. This is also why I prefer using organic ingredients as I find that they simply taste better. A sure way to make any recipe a success.
My Happiest Meal
I hope to pass on my passion for good food and organic to my children. We spend a lot of time discussing where their food comes from. I also try to get them involved in the kitchen. One of the happiest meals we enjoy as a family is my Sweet Potato, Spinach & Butter Bean Stew. This is a hearty and warming vegan one-pot stew, which I originally created for a local street food cooking demonstration.
What makes me happy about this recipe is that it is really nutritious and straightforward and bursting with vegetables, fresh herbs as well as beans. The smoked paprika is very fragrant, so the whole house fills with delicious aromas while we prepare this dish. The kids also enjoy getting involved with the peeling and chopping.
This recipe can literally feed a crowd which is great if we have friends over but conveniently quantities can also easily be halved. It is also a very good value meal even if all the ingredients are organic. Without fail this dish feeds our bellies happy. Click here to get the full details on how to make it.
Share You Happy Food Story
I hope that you’ll join me in celebrating Organic September. I would love to hear your happy organic food stories so please share them in the comment box below or on social media using the hashtag #FeedYourHappy with us on Twitter @organicuk, Instagram organicukfood or Facebook Organic UK .
If you would like to find out more about the joy of organic food please visit www.feedyourhappy.co.uk.
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